What is that perfect amount of time for a vacation?

Hey everyone,

Just a question. When was the last time you had a vacation? Was it a week ago? Months ago? Years ago?

Whatever it was, maybe you’ve thought about getting another vacation, and some time soon.

If it’s the earlier option, you’ll probably want to hold off on it for the next couple of months. However, let’s talk about those who just had one at least some months before.

Maybe you are found that project quite boring, and that it’s time to maybe step up your game.

Vacation time is to recharge your batteries. You probably want to find that spark again, I’m guessing? If so, taking a long weekend vacation will be good (between 3 to 5 days). I’ve just done it as a matter of fact, and I think I have more charge for more capacity.

Maybe you’re looking into spending some time with family? I would say around 10 days is enough. Too much longer than that, and you’ll feel out of it like the cosmos has hit you to Pluto.

Unless you really feel out of it, and you’re ready for something new, then take that next challenging project and keep churning after a much longer vacation. Maybe you’re on hiatus, but this one is a long one. However, you can spark up a business idea and then implement that. It gives you some time to think through your life goals as well. It also will give you an opportunity to ask yourself what you’d like to do.

However, life can take us to many interesting places. Towards those travels, we can also navigate through our professions as well, however long it takes to solve a problem.

So the main thing to do would be to love yourself first. This way, you’ll be able to perform on anything that you’d like to do. This also enables you to keep rocking, rockstar šŸ˜‰

Until next time!
